Delavnica na temo: Kako registrirati nejavne, osebne domene, v sklopu organizacije NCSG
Spremembe pri ICANN-u, registracija nejavnih domen
ICANN je uvedel uradni sistem za dostop do informacij o registraciji nejavnih domenskih imen, znan kot storitev za zahteve po registracijskih podatkih ali RDRS. Čeprav so med ustvarjanjem RDRS potekala posvetovanja z več deležniki, ostaja veliko vprašanj, med drugim tudi, kako sistem dejansko deluje, vzpostavljeni mehanizmi za spremljanje in nadzor dostopa do teh podatkov, kdo lahko dejansko zahteva podatke in vloga registrov pri izpolnjevanju zahtev. Ta dogodek nudi nekomercialni skupnosti priložnost, da izve več o RDRS in o tem, kako ga uporabljajo ICANN in nekateri registratorji.
Opening the domain for Data Requested services by ICAAN
ICANN launched the official system for access to non-public domain name registration information, known as the Registration Data Request Service, or RDRS. Even though multistakeholder consultations took place during the creation of the RDRS, many questions remain, including, among others, how the system actually functions, the mechanisms in place for monitoring and controlling access to this data, who can actually request data and the role of the registries in fulfilling requests. This event provides an opportunity for the non-commercial community to to learn about the RDRS and how it is used by ICANN and some registrars.