
Pompeo announces the Internet blockade by Washington + 30 other countries

Mike Pompeo and Xi Jinping US State Dept photo 230 The clear reading of theannouncement below implies the US wants to create the biggest split inInternet history. It goes far beyond the attacks on Huawei & TikTok. TheU.S. Secretary of State just called for the US and 30 other countries to: Remove Chinese and other Read more…

7 avgusta, 2020 by | Posted in Novice |

Mladi raziskovalec IJS s platformo za spremljanje širjenja koronavirusa

Ljubljana, 27. marca – Zaživela je še ena platforma za spremljanje širjenja koronavirusa, ki jo je postavil Primož Cigoj, mladi raziskovalec na Institutu Jožef Stefan (IJS). Kot je zapisal, aplikacija omogoča “enostaven, predvsem pa hiter pregled podatkov o okuženih, preminulih in tistih, ki so okrevali”. Spletna aplikacija na enostaven in uporabniku prijazen način poleg Read more…

31 marca, 2020 by | Posted in Novice |

»Ali bo Internet preživel preobremenjeost omrežja zaradi naraslega prometa, ki nastaja ob pandemiji COVID-19«? »Ali pa »kakšno je zdravje interneta« v času epidemije COVID-19? »

Abstract “Will the Internet survive the network congestion due to the increasedtraffic, generated by the COVID-19 pandemic situation?” and “What is thecurrent state of internet “health” during the COVID-19 pandemic?” These are the two questions which prof. dr. Borka Jerman Blažič is debating in her, recently published, article on the official website of the SlovenianAssociation Read more…

30 marca, 2020 by | Posted in Novice | has launched the MANRS Observatory: observing the Internet routing security

“Routing security is vital to the future and stability of the Internet, but it’s under constant threat. Which is why we’ve launched a free online tool so that network operators can see how they’re doing, and what they can improve, while anyone can see the health of the Internet at a glance. The MANRS Observatory measures networks’ adherence to Read more…

25 oktobra, 2019 by | Posted in Novice |

ISOC.Si has participated on the annual meeting of EU ISOC chapters and on the 5th SEEDIG conference.

The 2019 European Chapters Meeting took place from 9-10 May in Bucharest, Romania, following the 5th SEEDIG (South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance) Conference. The event gathered around 30 participants representing 20 Internet Society Chapters from Europe. The meeting agenda contained discussions about Consolidation on the Internet Economy, Encryption, Consumer IoT Privacy & Security, and the Read more…

12 avgusta, 2019 by | Posted in Novice |


Sir Tim Berners-Lee launched principles for a Contract for the Web.  The draft clauses of the “Contract” have gone live.The proposers of the contract are now seeking input, contributions and feedback on the draft taht can be accessed onhttps://contractfortheweb.org Survey for feedback is available:

31 julija, 2019 by | Posted in Novice |

Svetovni forum za informacijsko družbo pod okriljem ZN je objavil natečaj za nagrade 2019 – WSA – informacije o pogojih na tem linku

WSA and digital innovators of  Slovenia  Submissions for WSA 2019 can contain all digital content applications with a clear impact on society, such as: apps, webpages, applications for wearables, kiosk installations, SMS based products, mobile and online games and interactive productions. There is no limitation regarding the platforms or channels the projects work with.  Important: No Read more…

18 aprila, 2019 by | Posted in Dogodki, Novice |

Letno srečanje

Letno srečanje članov ISOC.Si, je bilo v sredo  20.3.2019, ob 18:30, v restavraciji Mirje. Tukaj si lahko preneste zapisnik letnega sestanka Združenja ISOC.SI.

18 marca, 2019 by | Posted in Novice |

Novi svetovalni odbor globalne organizacije ISOC z mandatom 2018-2020

Nacionalne organizacije ISOC so izvolile  Mednarodno svetovalno telo nacionalnih ISOC.WORLD.  V dvoletni mandat so bili izvoljeni naslednji člani organizacije: Regionalni predstavniki: – Europe: Olivier Crepin-Leblond (UK-England Chapter) – LAC: Elaine Ford (Peru Chapter) – North America: Susannah Gray (US San Francisco Bay Area Chapter) – Africa: Lillian Nalwoga (Uganda Chapter) – APAC: Amrita Choudhury (India Read more…

3 decembra, 2018 by | Posted in Novice |

E-besede objavila knjigo o prihodu interneta v Slovenijo

Slovenija in svet živita v omreženi družbi, prepleteni s povsod prisotnimi storitvami, kot so iskalniki vsebin, Wikipedia, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Flickr in mnogo drugih. Omrežne povezave, ki omogočajo dostop do teh storitev, so preproste, zahvaljujoč uporabniškim storitvam omrežja internet. Bogate vsebine najrazličnejših internetnih portalov so dostopne uporabniku na prijazen način, ki se ob tem Read more…

29 novembra, 2018 by | Posted in Dogodki, Novice | Tags: |