8. junij 2011 – svetovni dan IPv6

8. junija 2011 bodo Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai in Limelight Networks, ki spadajo med največje organizacije za 24 ur omogočile dostop do svojih vsebin preko IPv6 protokola – dogodka t.i. – “Test Flight Day”.

Cilj “Test Flight” dneva je motivirati industrijske organizacije – ponudnike interneta, proizvajalce strojne opreme, ponudnike operacijskih sistemov in spletna podjetja, da pripravijo svoje storitve za lažji prehod na IPv6 protokol.

Več informacij: www.worldipv6day.org

Na spletni strani ISOC-a  je tudi informacija o “Test Flight” akciji, ki ima za namen  motivirati industrijske organizacije – ponudnike interneta, proizvajalce strojne opreme, ponudnike operacijskih sistemov in spletna podjetja, da sepripravijo za prehod na protokol IPv6 in zagootovijo  lažji prehod  svojih storitev na IPv6 protokol.

Obvestilo še v angleščini:

World IPv6 Day is fast approaching.  On 8 June from 0000-2359 UTC, Google, Facebook, and Yahoo!–and hundreds of other websites around the world–will be turning on IPv6 on their main websites. All together, participating sites have on average more than a billion visitors each day. World IPv6 Day promises to be an important milestone in the global Internet community’s ongoing efforts to deploy and use IPv6.

The Internet Society has been organizing this activity and the industry as a whole has rallied behind it.

As you will be hearing more about it, I thought you’d like to have a bit of an update on it and its background.

This is truly a global event. Website owners from around the world are participating, including major websites in Europe, North America, Asia, and South America. Networks from all over the globe are preparing. We are also coordinating with our Regional Bureaus. We are very pleased to have a role.

Main goals for the event include encouraging websites to take the IPv6 plunge together, and uncovering issues that only a global real-world “test flight” can reveal. Some sites, like Google and Facebook, are working actively to let their users know about and get ready for the day by providing information and tools in advance.

We have created and maintain a website that is the center of information about the event at:


Momentum is continuing to build. Every day, dozens of additional organizations are letting us know that they plan to participate. Individuals and companies provide are creating videos describing their participation, and explaining what World IPv6 Day means to them.

Since a major goal is to understand what exactly happens on the day, we are coordinating measurement activities, including a real-time dashboard on the World IPv6 Day website. External organizations are integrating their measurement activities with ours. We already are planning to work with participants to build on the understanding we gain through this event.

There will be a few press releases in the next few days describing different aspects of this activity. Some of these are coming directly from the participants themselves, but will mention the Internet Society. If you should get questions from the media, or get questions from anyone you are unsure about, please feel free to direct them to:media@isoc.org

This activity (and as a result the Internet Society) has a very high degree of visibility in the Internet industry and many are watching eagerly to see the results.  In the upcoming days there will be increased acitivity to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

This has truly been an ISOC-wide effort, with outstanding support from staff and enthusiastic uptake from Chapters,  for what is shaping up to be a landmark event for the Internet Society, and for the continued evolution of the Internet.

Tags: http://www.staying-awake.org, http://www.whyhcg.com, http://www.myprovigil.com

1 junija, 2011 by | Posted in Dogodki | No Comments

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